Thankful Thursday – The Glass Is Always Full

In the spirit of Thanksgiving in the United States, I’m pledging a year of Thankful Thursdays in 2014. Why? Because the glass is always full.

It’s my answer to the classic question: Is the glass of water half empty or half full?

Pessimists typically answer “half empty,” which focuses on how much water they don’t have. In contrast, optimists typically answer “half full,” which focuses on how much water they do have.  Both answers are correct, and this is a way to remind us that there are always two ways to see the same object.

Well, to be precise, there are more than just two correct ways, and I’ve chosen a third. Because the glass is always full, half full of water and half full of air. This is not an Either/Or situation. It’s a Both/And. All it takes is that small shift in perspective to realize how much is actually in the glass.

So for the rest of 2013 and the entirety of 2014, I’ll be posting Thankful Thursdays. Because the glass is always full, and it’s time to acknowledge and cherish it.

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